VPS quick backup / snapshot in SolusVM Panel

SolusVM control panel has a Quick Backup feature wich allows you to take a snapshot of your VPS.

This feature is turned off by default.

We can enable Quick Backup for specific server upon support request (it's free).

Once backup is enabled, you can use it once in 24 hours like on the picture below.

Backup file is being created at your VPS as follows: /panelbackup/backup_101.tar.gz.

Press "Create" button and the backup will be created silently without further prompts and notifications

You can download this file and/or restore specific files from it using gzip.

You also can create a support request to get the whole VPS restored from the archive (for free).

How to access SolusVM control panel

 1st way


  • Click "Services" > "My Services"


  • You will see your virtual private servers.


  • Select product


  • Press "Control Panel"

2nd way

  • Login to SolusVM CP as shown above or using the link below:
    Use the credentials you've got in ''Your Virtual Private Server details" email. If you can't find your credentials create a support ticket to resolve it.

Now that you are in, navigate to Quick Backup and press Create

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