
Virtualmin is a Webmin module for managing multiple virtual hosts through a single interface, like Plesk or Cpanel.

How to install Virtualmin: 

# wget
sudo /bin/sh



Once installed you should be able to login using using this URL: 

Where is your server's IP address

How to create a virtual host.

Go to Create Virtual Server form and specify domain name, some description and password. Press Create Server.



How to import database.

If you already have a manually created databese and you want to assign it to some webserver you can use Edit Databases form.

Edit Databases -> Import Database (tab). Select the existing database and press Import Now.



How to backup/restore database.

1. Backup.

Edit Databases -> Databases -> (Select database) -> Manage



In the next screen press Backup Database.



Specify the name of the backup file (with path).

You also can define a scheduled backup policy here.



2. Restore.

Edit Databases -> Databases -> (Select database) -> Manage



In the next screen select Execute SQL



In the next screen select Run SQL from file (tab) and specify the path to the mysql backup file. Press Execute.



How to create mailbox

In Virtualmin choose the domain that you'd like to create the mailbox related to.

Use Add a user to this server form.



Specify mailbox user name, real (unix) user name, password and press Create.


You also can install phpMyAdmin (web interface for MySQL) and Roundcube (webmail) using Install Scripts in Virtualmin main menu.

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