Two-Factor Authentication

What is Two-Factor Authentication?

Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security by adding a second step to your login.
It takes something you know (ie. your password) and adds a second factor, typically something you have (such as your phone.)
Since both are required to log in, even if an attacker has your password they can't access your account.
Two-factor authentication works with any OATH software such as Google Authentication for Android, or Apple’s OATH Token App for example.

How to enable it?

1. Install OATH software on your mobile device.
Google Authentication from Google Play [android] or from Apple Store [IOS]  (you may try to use any OATH Token App-like alternatively for Apple and Android  devices).

2. Log in to the client area as you usually do.

3. Then go to My Account >> Edit details >> Security Settings

4. Click on "Enable" button for getting to the next screen

5. Press "Get Started" to see the QR code.

Now you can use your mobile device to recognize the barcode.

6. Run "Google Authentication" application and press "Begin setup"

7. At the next screen press "Scan barcode".

8. Now scan the barcode with your device.

9. If your device cannot read the barcode, try using zoom in browser to make the barcode larger.
Once the barcode was scanned you will see the access code at the screen of your device:

10. If everything was fine, you will see the message informing that the verification was successful.

11. Now you can return to client area and log out for checking of how does it work.

12. First you'll be prompted to enter email and password as usual.

13. However, after you enter the access details correctly you'll see the second-factor authentication prompt.
   Now use your OATH application again to find the access code which is being generated every 30 seconds new.

That's it!
Now you have your VPSGet account secured with two-factor authentication. Congratulations!
If something went wrong (which is unlikely) or if you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team.

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