Usefull linux tools
please note: for installing some toosl you ned to connect EPEL repo first.
htop -extened version of top (process list, memory use ,etc..)stress - H/W stress test
vmstat - system activity, hardware and system information
ps - displays the processes (ps aux for e.g)
free - memory usage
iostat - average CPU load, disk activity
mpstat - multiprocessor usage
pmap - process memory usage
netstat and ss - network statistics
iptraf - real-time network statistics
tcpdump - detailed network traffic analysis
strace - system calls
cpuburn - cpu stress test
df -h - show hdd usage statistics
lsof - list open files, network connections and much more.
nmap - scan specified host for open ports.
vnstat - vnStat is a console-based network traffic monitor
scp - copying data from one linux host to another using ssh
mtr - combines the functionality of the traceroute and ping programs in a single network diagnostic tool.