Web server

In this guide we will create our own web server on Centos 6. 

We will use Apache (httpd with mysql and php -most common needs for most CMS) as web server and it's necessary to install mysql and php. So, let's install packets:

yum install httpd httpd-devel php php-mysql mysql

Set Apache to autostart at boot:

chkconfig httpd on

You can print installed httpd modules with the command httpd -l:

[root@webserver]# httpd -l
Compiled in modules:

Start apache:

service httpd start

Apache config file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Default location for web pages: /var/www/html/
So if you have a site on local machine in folder "mysite" and you want to put it on the web server you must copy the files (not the directory) in /var/www/html/.
Now you can open your browser and go to your webpage http://yourwebserver.domain/


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