First of all make sure you have the ports 20-21 opened in your firewall. If not, you can do so with the following commands:

iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 20:21 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 20:21 -j ACCEPT
iptables-save >/etc/sysconfig/iptables
service iptables restart

How to install ftp server on Centos.

Install ftp server:

yum install vsftpd

Edit the config file /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf. It is recommended to set the following strings like shown below:


User root is not allowed to connect to ftp server by default for security reason. So create a new user, for example "user":

useradd user
passwd user

Enable vsftpd to start at boot

chkconfig vsftpd on

Start vsftpd service

service vsftpd start

Now your ftp server is operational and you can access it with ftp client like filezilla
User "user" has access to its home directory only, but if you want to open more directories you can do so by adding symlinks. For example you want to share a folder /files with user "user":

ln -s /files /home/user

Now we have a folder /home/user/files which is actually a link to /files. Now set permitions to the folder /files. In order to grant full access to this folder issue following:

chmod 777 /files

How to install ftp server on Debian.

Install ftp server:

aptitude install proftpd

User root is not allowed to connect to ftp server by default for security reason. So create a new user, for example "user":

adduser user

Now your ftp server is operational and you can access it with ftp client like filezilla. Proftpd is set to start at boot by default.
In order to adjust the configuration to your needs, edit the /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf file.

How to install ftp server on Ubuntu.

Install ftp server:

apt-get install vsftpd

If you're getting error:

root@test:~# apt-get install vsftpd
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
E: Unable to locate package vsftpd

do following:

apt-get update

In order to adjust the configuration to your needs, edit the /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf file. To allow anonymuos connections, edit following lines:


To deny anonymous connections, edit following lines:


To disable write-protection, uncomment following line:


In case when anonymous connections are disabled you should create a new user because user root is not allowed to connect to ftp server by default for security reason. To create a new user "user" enter the command:

adduser user

Now your ftp server is operational and you can access it with ftp client like filezilla. vsftpd is set to start at boot by default.


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