OpenVPN Access Server

§  Install OpenVPN Access Server

Be sure that you are using a clean system and no openvpn daemon was installed before. Official OpenVPN Access Server Guide you can find here:

Download the package for your system from here:

Let's take Centos for example:


rpm -i openvpn-as-2.0.3-CentOS6.i386.rpm

Change password for user openvpn:

passwd openvpn

To start Openvnp AS at VPS reboot:

chkconfig openvpnas on

Access Server web UIs are available here:

Admin  UI: https://<Your_VPS_IP>:943/admin

Client UI: https://<Your_VPS_IP>:943/

Connect to OpenVPN in Windows.

Open your browser and use the url: https://<Your_IP>:943/

Enter username and password that we've created before.

Confirm downloading OpenVPN client

Right cklick to icon in Windows tray and press Connect.

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