Backup script sample

echo "packing files in progress..."
tar -cf /home/backup/root_lib-$(date +%H.%M-%d-%m-%y).tar /root/install.log /lib
dd if=/dev/vg-virt/kvm110_img | gzip | dd of=/home/backup/kvm110-$(date +%H:%M-%d-%m-%y).gz bs=4096
find /home/backup/ -type f -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
echo "completed"


1 Describes the language
2 Shows message "packing files in progress..." on the screen
3 Packing file /root/install.log and folder /lib in archive /home/backup/root_lib-19.10-19-06-13.tar
4 Packing file of virtual machine /dev/vg-virt/kvm110_img which is in use without suspending the VM. Archive name format: kvm110-19.10-19-06-13.gz
5 Find and delete files older than 6 days in folder /home/backup/
6 Shows message "completed" on the screen

So script can be placed in crontab to be scheduled 2 times a week and it will store 2 actual backups and remove older ones.


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