Configure OpenVPN client on Windows
How to configure OpenVPN client on Windows:
First download and install the client.
Then we'll need the client files generated on the OpenVPN server: server.crt, ca.crt, client1.crt, client1.key
Copy the files to OpenVPN working directory, for example: C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\Now we need to create config file. Create text document client1 and add configuration strings, for example:
dev tunproto udpremote 1194resolv-retry infinitenobind
ca ca.crtcert client1.crtkey client1.keycomp-lzo
verb 4Extended description of all the strings is here
Save the file with extention .ovpn (client1.ovpn). Config file must be in the same directory as files server.crt, ca.crt, client1.crt, client1.key are.
Run OpenVPN GUI with administrator rights. Icon should appear in Windows tray and all options are there.